Monday, February 15, 2010

addendum via Steve Martin

so I was in Goodwill looking for a black shirt (and scarf of some sort, black also). I found both. This goodwill for some odd reason had a great selection of black shirts. In fact I found both so fast I had extra time so started scanning the VHS selection and book selection for funny stuff. I found a copy of a book Steve martin had written. I almost bought it. The first few pages started off with him in San Francisco. There was a coffee house called Coffee and confusion. It looked like Grant and Green from the small pic. Anyway it was where Steve had his start. His recounting the days of what it was like there for him. Made me nostalgic for San Francisco. He got to the point where he talked of how he dreamed of the future. He decided, after years of performing, that grandiose daydreams were fine to fill in the moments between true inspiration. So be it.

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