Monday, February 15, 2010


Yes, this week has started, the week of the day that is for honoring presidents. It ends with a cast party on Friday. It started, with today, and today was a cue to cue for the play. The cue to cue woman was such a bitch. I sort of waited for her to test me. Anyway, me, being an actor, and having done exactly what I was supposed to do, i.e. show up on time, in costume, props ready. Check check and check. went...

the fun part of it all, was when we did a run through in a props room of some sort. Well it got funner. The fact is it is too close to the show going up for any real big changes to happen so I am having fun just doing my part and not caring.

Broke. But not so broke. Funny it takes some getting used to. I keep looking for the silver lining. The joy from humility, the ease of life from not having so many possessions. I think the possessions are just tangible representations of the mental posessions. In other words, having less is not really having less in a sense.

Ok sleep is needed. Tommorrow I must do laundry, and also, wash these black pants I used for rehearsal mostly cause I dripped chinese food sauce of some sort on them.

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